set up an alt juuust in case

i've always wanted to go to the olympics, and plus i'd love to go and put my korean learning to the test. oooo i hope that works out aaaa

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one of my professors said he can hook us up with tickets to the 2018 Winter Paralympics in South Korea??? 👀 👀 👀

oh sweet people are posting porn on the federated tl without warning. just what i wanted yo

Oney Plays quote (i know not everyones cool w that kind of humor) 

game theory, Who could have put all these boxes here for crash bandicoot to smash

could it have been Bowser, from Other Game?

incoming selfie that'll probably show up sideways for no reason, hello

unless I read Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita, wherein one of the characters is explicity listed as a possessed black cat. then everyone's a cartoon dog

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a silly book thing i always do: i always follow Night On The Galactic Railroad (1985) rules and envision everyone as a cartoon cat unless it's explicity stated otherwise. the fun part is that it almost never is

this week (and the coming week) have been stressful as fuck

i just may treat myself to staying up all night and doing nothing at all in retaliation

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i wanted to do one of those spotify joke playlist but i wound up making a nonsense poem instead

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!