@Terxbor *nyas* How are you today Terx?
Remember I told you two days ago that I started crying from happiness because of you and BatElite? I did it again this morning.
More importantly, how are you?
[robotic] Hello? Are you still there? [/robotic]
@Terxbor aww really?
*finds and bites onto a carrot and brings it to hyr*
Nya nya... nya... ny... Wait a minute, I'm not a cabbit!
*transforms to catboy*
Nya *does a flamenco dance because that's what male Mi'qote do*
@Terxbor yeah I saw your character. I play FFXIV too ^^ my highest level character is a lalafell though.
Nya. Mine is a Hyur. Level 50. I haven't played in a while.
@Terxbor same.
I did love playing the game, but augh the monthly fee. If they had a pay for non-consecutive HOURS option, I might still be playing.
@Terxbor that would be an interesting model. But yeah $15 a month is pretty steep for a vidya game.
The pay-to-play era of Ragnarok Online had that option. It was I think 20 hours over six calendar months for $10.
@Terxbor Raganarok online... sounds familiar, but I don't think I've ever played it.
It... Wasn't that good, in hindsight. Grind heavy even at the very beginning.
@Terxbor sometimes a little grind is nice. Ever play warframe?
In another topic, do anything cool today?
@Terxbor I've just been playing Terranigma ^^ I really like snes games
I was basically raised on the 2D Nintendo era of video games. I think I mentioned I was born the same day Super Mario Bros. was released in Japan.
One game in particular, R.C. Pro-Am for the NES, triggered my eternal love of video games.
@Terxbor a racing game?
Yeah. My memory claims it was the first NES game I didn't instinctually know how to play, that I HAD to read the instruction manual for. And once I figured out how, that part of my life was set.
@Terxbor i used to love reading game manuals. the more complicated the better!
I love a good manual as well. I read them for all my games... but not anymore because modern manuals SUCK.
@Terxbor most physical games don't even come with manuals anymore. Probably because developers just assume their players have internet access. But board games on the other hand...
*walks between and around her legs, rubbing against them nya~* It still surprises me...