the incredibly niche problem of trying to search for stuff about your disorder and having to wade through a sea of tf2 shitposts

wolfy boosted

a very festive 'staying inside for a week straight' to those who celebrate, whether you are just starting or thinking about ending your week

wolfy boosted
The bit about a lawyer being stopped from entering a music hall in the US because its facial recognition system picked up that she's part of a law company that's suing them is even crazier than I thought.

The law company isn't suing the music hall - it's suing a restaurant, in another state, which is owned by the hall's parent company MSG Entertainment. MSG gone ahead and harvested photos of all the lawyers in the firm and fed it to an image recognition system to ban them from every MSG Entertainment owned location.

People always tell me that if you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear. She's got nothing to hide and they still went after her.

If this doesn't start making people worried about facial recognition then there's serious trouble coming.
wolfy boosted

@t54r4n1 "by 'opposite' do you mean additive inverse? multiplicative inverse? the logical converse gender? the involute gender? the obverse gender?"

wolfy boosted
wolfy boosted

I told my psychiatrist I've only been getting about 5 hours of sleep per night and he said "yeah same".

wolfy boosted

walking around with a buschel of wheat like "society could be improved somewhat"

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wolfy boosted

anyway, terfs are fascist recruiters to defang feminism and intersectionality, jk rowling is a rich white woman whose greatest problem now is caviar or veal, and elon musk can die in a fire :D

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hello y'all! just a wolfgirl here for the memes and cool art :3

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