If you don't live in a climate where pine trees thrive, are you really living

Pine trees are the last living remnants of the elf kingdoms of middle earth prove me wrong

Pine trees are THE best kind of tree, there is ABSOLUTELY no debate on this

Though all trees are beautiful, pine trees are the fucking KING of trees

The way pine trees acidify soil so more pine trees can grow and they can take over an entire area?
That's direct action.

Pine trees staying green any season any time? They carry the entire forest in the winter and they deserve more recognition, honestly.
Forests share nutrients with each other, and guess who supports the community in the hard times???
That's PRAXIS, baby.

Without the humble altruism the mighty pine, what would the second best tree, (the birch) do when there are only like 2 hours of sunlight

Can you imagine waking up every morning knowing that you might not get to see a pine tree today

Could you IMAGINE having to live anywhere in the Midwest, narry a pine tree in sight

Every morning I wake up and look at the pine trees outside my window and heave a gentle sigh knowing how fortunate I am to be able to be sheltered by their humble grace


Also yesterday I learned of a truly terrifying organism called the monkey puzzle tree, which looks like a huge branching eldritch horror.
Its leaves are sharp and shaped like scales, and are clustered around each branch, making a terrible prickly tentacle.
Standing under it is immensely frightening and they're endangered and I'm going to give my life to their conservation


@wgahnagl oh those are fascinating, you see them as ornamentals around here every once in a while although I dunno how well they like the Seattle climate

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@Alyx I'm literally sweating bullets they love seattle climate, Oregon is going a bunch of conservation on them Right This Very Second

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