Parallax webcomic, p. 27, trauma mention
I may not like a lot about my dad but like him I *despise* people who write themselves elaborate permission to hurt others
I'll allow that perhaps there were extenuating circumstances in this case
on to page twenty-seven, I guess
more henshin stuff! the diamond or lozenge theme is repeated on the gloves and boots
we get one good full look of the complete effect, then Lomax opens their eyes, now normal-ish
Parallax webcomic, p. 27, trauma mention
it seems like we *have* all been played, in a sense. I'm tolerably certain it was hoped we'd read this eventually
it's been hard to read this shit sometimes. not just because it's challenging or anything, but because at least one of the persons involved in making it hurt us so very, very badly. that's a hard thing to live with still. especially for me
Parallax webcomic, p. 26
twenty-sixth page
henshin sequence continues. Lomax has clothes now. red and black theme. looks vaguely martial? the shirt has a suggestion of "chain mail" to it but just a suggestion. there's a belt, with a lozenge shape in the center
Parallax webcomic, p. 25 (more zapping)
middle of Lomax's forehead (third eye position, natch) is shining with reddish light, in a lozenge shape, of course
also their hair has changed from its usual brown-black to red or pink, hard to tell exactly
Parallax webcomic, p. 25 (more zapping)
on to twenty-five
there's a sort of henshin sequence going on. Lomax is drawn, in the first frame, as if inside the lozenge now, and their clothes are going translucent and disappear in subsequent frames. we see them naked in all that follows
their (body?) crackles with bluish sparks. their eyes are blank, featureless, shining with light
Parallax webcomic, p. 24 (CW for, uh...brain zapping?)
page twenty-four
the glass lozenge is now seen to have some intricate pattern in it. circuitry perhaps. Lomax and the cat both look at it in wonderment
then POW! a brilliant flash of light
we see it from outside the house, it's like lightning struck
a bolt of purple-pink energy strikes Lomax in the forehead
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text, substitution cypher
🔴 what are you expecting, some kind of "haha eff you Kara" (or whatever name they think still applies to us) message?
I mean, maybe! it'd make me feel better
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text, substitution cypher
ok I haven't given up on this, but it's resisting my efforts to decode it. tried an online tool and it gave me hilariously wrong results
there's software for semi-automagic decoding of substitution cyphers, right? there has to be
anyway time to move forward
asking for help
I truly hate to be a burden but i come again with bucket hat in hand.
Rent's coming up and if im lucky, i think i MIGHT have a couple bucks left over, provided they dont all go to insurance (*REQUIRING* renters insurance + rent is like a fucking tax, lemme tell ya)
If you could chip in a buck or two to help me eat i'd be much obliged.
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text
bleh enough interruptions are coming up that I should just do something else for a bit. there's probably software for this too. I can just arbitrarily assign letters to mean the various symbols and then unscramble from there probably, bleh
anyway I'll get back to it
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text
next most frequent, an uppercase pi and an uppercase pi turned upside down, both five times
"upside down pi" has a doubled occurrence; "uppercase pi" does not
at some point I'm just gonna have to try options instead of trying to reason it out
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text
but let's assume for now that these three characters correspond, in some way, to the set of letters E, T, and A. the three most frequent English letters. E and T double up, but A hardly ever does, so "backwards gamma" probably isn't A
"plus" comes at the end of a word, sticking by the assumption that "." is just what it appears to be here. words do end in A but not often
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text
counted up the frequencies (hopefully accurately)
three characters occur most frequently, six times. there's a plus or cross, something like an uppercase gamma flipped back to front, and a T tilted sideways
"plus" and "sideways T" appear always alone. "backwards gamma" has a couple doubled appearances. it could _still_ be E, though...the most frequent English letter. if this is English
Parallax webcomic, p. 23, "alien" text
ok here's a transcript. double-checking it...
there's just enough ambiguity about some of the characters that I'm not certain I can commit to this transcript entirely. I suspect the period might be just what it is in English, punctuation, but we'll see (maybe)
@Alyx I have a bad habit of recommending it to teachers ))>_U((
I think teachers SHOULD play it though. well everyone should but especially teachers because. they should learn to be nice to people and it's sure one good way to