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Hi, my name's Evelyn (she/her) but you can call me Evie
I'm a bun that moos.
I have a cat named Skinner (her nickname is Pigeon) that sounds like a pigeon when she purrs.
I like collecting old + odd smartphones and other weird tech, and I love Pokemon
I work in specialty coffee and occasionally go on rants about how good coffee is and use super flowery language to talk about the coffee I'm drinking
I'll occasionally post tagged nsfw/kink stuff but I generally keep that to my AD


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Holy shit we have our union vote tomorrow
Odds are looking good that come tomorrow night I'm gonna be a union gal

Sometimes you gotta do a Neil Breen watch along with your oshi

Ok, just one more concert this weekend and then I'm down for a while yeehaw
At least this one isn't a wild post-hardcore affair

I haven't been in a pit in a long ass time AND I got sciatica?
I made it like two songs ~5 minutes total during the encore and had to bow out for the last song but GOD what a rush that was

Finally got to see a band I never thought I'd get to see live and they didn't disappoint
Going to see them tomorrow as well and am gonna try to put for like two specific parts of the show

All the colors gonna rot off your sight
When we're around

God I can't wait to get absolutely destroyed at the two Blood Brothers concerts this weekend

Pls Olympia give me snow, it's getting so dang close I want it

You go to the bedroom and see this little creature curled up in your spot, how do you proceed?

When you look at my pictures of my cat Skinner on your device call that a Skinner Box

Hello, I'm back!
I'm gonna post Skinner and coffee

No Effort November should be embraced by everyone tbh

Holy shit The Dear Hunter is gonna have The World is a Beautiful Place opening for them on this tour next year good god

Yeehaw it’s official, I’m gonna be living in Olympia by the end of the year

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!