I know cocodamol “isn’t for” / “doesn’t work on” back pain, but fuck if it was torture getting to sleep last night or leaving bed without it this morning.
Like, nauseous level pain.
But you know: not “crying and screaming therefore it must not be severe”, according to anyone in the fucking A&E, from experience.
You compensate too well and you get punished for other people’s caged imaginations.
@MxVerda it took me having a breakdown in an a&e room to get them to give me a naproxen prescription for my chronic pain, and that was for a bone infection, which nothing really touched. Hope you're doing better soon
@MxVerda not to be grim but it turns out if you're already living with chronic pain, you can convince yourself for an entire year that the pain of a bone infection is just normal wound healing pain, even after it doesn't close for an entire year and the guy who did the surgery scratches his head over and over at why it's not healing
@MxVerda bloody hell, i'm sorry, pain sucks, i guess we know that more than most people.
@Atatra I’d throw a heart emoji at you instead of a star if mastodon let me
Swap bone infection with gallbladder removal and yes.
I mean, the “diet and exercise” shit *does* help. It just doesn’t help noticeably.