
CW: talking about disability and my feelings regarding it 

One thing that sucks about having 'only' chronic pain, fatigue, and a neurological disorder is that I constantly feel like I'm faking disability, that I shouldn't be speaking about it with the same verve and certainty as say, someone who has lost both legs and has to use a wheelchair 24/7, and I know this is silly because just as often I do need the same accomodation, but god I hate feeling like I don't measure up

CW: talking about disability and my feelings regarding it 

"on a good day I can get around with just my walking stick am I really disabled?" Yes, yes you are you doofus, you have genuinely collapsed from pain before, had your knee dislocate and force you to use a knee brace for two weeks because of a badly formed cartilage, it's all disability. I just wish it was easier to remind myself

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