The first people that were born into a world with home consoles and personal computers are in their 40s now, and subtitles are like the most basic option you can have.

Hey, ?

Hideous monster, blood, d&d 

Congratulations to my players who came face to face with the False Hydra tonight and lived. They only had to blow up the entire town and the mine underneath it to do it.

This is Osiris Dirtbike. He's not very bright, but ever since I tested positive for he hasn't left me alone. Bless his sweet, worried little orange heart.

I kind of a little bit ripped a capacitor out of my when I was taking it apart. BUT I've managed to get it working enough to pull the old music off of it.

Now I just need to deal with the fact that I don't have enough room on my hard drive for this sync that's currently running....

With having learned soldering, I have now taken the next logical step and joined an incredibly niche hardware community. Time to solder in a new battery, and listen to all my hottest jams from 14 years ago.

2022 book stats. This isn't correct, it's probably more like 30-something, Scribd lost my stats when we stopped paying for it. But considering I hadn't read one book for like 10 years, that's still pretty good.

Hoo boy. Like 4,000 little tiny parts. Me, just having barely used a soldering iron, and only just bought a multimeter. No instructions included. Website is entirely in Chinese.
This is fine. This is totally fine you guys.

Trying to get through this audiobook, but I keep getting so terrified by the unimaginable, indescribable described therein that I have to stop it, go outside, and hose myself down., Spotify datafarming game thing. 

Except Tuesday is gonna be really creepy between Sigh and Cristobel/Smile movie score (I was using it for a D&D game).

Pasted all the little bits of this story I've been non-linearly "writing" for years (never actually seriously until recent months) into one google doc, just to get a word count, and UHHHHHH. Where did all that come from??? That's a lot of relationship and fluff, and half-written sex scenes.

Like the groundhog, we know it's getting to be winter when Minerva Fortuna spends 80% of her time in the coldest room of the house, sitting with her face a quarter inch from the radiator. ? ?

I've been using this for days, and haven't posted a single pic, what am I even doing?
Mastodon, meet Osiris Dirtbike, and Guillermo.

Sometimes you just need to spend half a week maying a 17-page catalog for what will amount to a 15-minute "magic auction" bit in your family game.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!