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If I was *hypothetically* considering starting what obtuse "don't kill the 72nd skeleton in The Isthmus of Discomfort, he's actually the most powerful being in the game and just wants a friend" ass bullshit I should know going in?

Statements by committee co-chair Sharon Williams repeatedly pushing ATL to treat #StopCopCity protesters as "terrorists" may have directly influenced the police posture that led to the suspicious shooting death of climate activist Manuel Terán on Jan. 18:

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While the Georgia Bureau of Investigation claimed that Terán shot a state trooper before being killed by state troopers, recently released Atlanta PD body camera video does not support the official narrative being used to justify Terán's death:

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Recent us politics 

I'm not mad about MTG and whoever else going off at the address. I kinda wish our were more of a spectator sport like in some other countries. If you're not ready to get heated and push a motherfucker over a table over some budget cuts that will make life worse for your constituents, why did we hire you?

The pre-Raphaelites can be a bit drippy, but this flower munching take no prisoners princess is cool.
'Love's Shadow' By Frederick Sandys, 1867

#preraphaelite #portrait

My Facebook got hacked. FB KNOWS it was hacked. THEYtold ME it was hacked, and walked me through changing the password and undoing all the changes.

Still gonna lock down my account for a while for posting ISIS pics and CP though, apparently.

@epilonious I haven't heard that one, and now I'm afraid to go find it.

Sometimes you just need to wake up with the theme song from "Dr. Goldfoot & The Bikini Machine" stuck in your head, I guess.

RT @OkieSeldomSeen
@GraffitiRadical @FrancesMFDanger Another one in OKC.

I need some artists to come out and say they were influenced by in the next couple hours, if I'm gonna finish this round.

Happy Steam Store Age-Gate Page Birthday, everyone!

See, all these games imply that people were there before you, but they never actually show anyone.
I want a 30 years later Backrooms RPG, that's full of all the people that have already fallen in, formed small societies, selling maps scrawled on torn pieces of wallpaper and weapons made out of furniture, farming mushrooms out of the carpet with water from a sprinkler someone set off that never stops running.

This is Osiris Dirtbike. He's not very bright, but ever since I tested positive for he hasn't left me alone. Bless his sweet, worried little orange heart.

When you ask people with ADHD why they agreed to take on so many projects, commitments, and/or hobbies.😭😭

#ADHD #ADHDTwitter

@root I have buttons to switch between 3 different mouse sensitivities, and I get mad whenever it changes from 3200 DPI.

I kind of a little bit ripped a capacitor out of my when I was taking it apart. BUT I've managed to get it working enough to pull the old music off of it.

Now I just need to deal with the fact that I don't have enough room on my hard drive for this sync that's currently running....

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!