Fresh off being streamed on Louder Than War Radio, we're pleased to announce that the U.S. Library of Congress has given Episode 9 of Widge's Sonic Emporium, Menagerie & Lawnmower Repair the status of "a thing that definitely happened." Come check out music from Pharoahe Monch, Dona Onete, Skunk Anansie, Richard Berry, Karol Conká and more! Playlist, Mixcloud embed, Bandcamp links, and other oddities can be found here: #music #radio

stop making the conversation about work-at-home about productivity

eliminating non-essential worker commutes means less fossil fuels wasted

remote policies increase access for disabled people, especially with chronic illness that flares

LGBT folks and PoC experience less bigotry and it's easier to report bigotry when they do

do some people want hybrid? do some people want on-site? sure

but stop pretending the discussion was about productivity or what employees want

it's about real estate portfolios

The South US will straight-up name shit like Col. Everett P. G. "Chicken Pappy" Grandwizard III Veteran's Memorial Boulevard, like it's normal.

hey, my friends over at #Powells are having some disagreement between their #union and management. If you feel like speaking up for workers, here's the request from #ILWU5

tl;dr: Please email who are collecting emails from supporters requesting that Powells actually pay a fair wage! #solidarity

Ugh. Okay, so. . Needed new RAM. Bought new RAM. Fine for a few weeks. Then it starts just cutting off. No BSOD, just *click*. Can't turn it back on without turning the power supply on and off. Kernal-Power 41 error. Took out new RAM. Fine. Put in NEW-new RAM. Kernal-Power 41. Update BIOS, reset Windows. What else am I missing before "spend money replacing a 4 year old PSU"?

Every single horror game dev who doesn't put in an ending where you just turn around and go the fuck home as soon as you get control of your character is a coward.

In Utrecht, NL people have been falling into a pond because duckweed has been stressed by the cold and turned it red an looks exactly like a cycle path.


Who is out here still eating Red Delicious apples?

Like, those are definitely only bought for office fruit bowls, cafeterias, and real estate open houses, right?

I'm on the way to my mother in law's 70th birthday party, we pass the county fairgrounds on the way, and the world's biggest bounce house is there right now, and honestly, how upset would you really be if your daughter and son in law blew off your 70th birthday party?

The first people that were born into a world with home consoles and personal computers are in their 40s now, and subtitles are like the most basic option you can have.

Hey, ?

Hideous monster, blood, d&d 

Congratulations to my players who came face to face with the False Hydra tonight and lived. They only had to blow up the entire town and the mine underneath it to do it.

marriage, divorce, not me I swear. 

Is there, like...reverse marriage counseling? Where you try to get a couple to realize they're awful for each other and should consider a divorce?

"The system has been destroyed" is my favourite Android error message ever

If I was *hypothetically* considering starting what obtuse "don't kill the 72nd skeleton in The Isthmus of Discomfort, he's actually the most powerful being in the game and just wants a friend" ass bullshit I should know going in?

Statements by committee co-chair Sharon Williams repeatedly pushing ATL to treat #StopCopCity protesters as "terrorists" may have directly influenced the police posture that led to the suspicious shooting death of climate activist Manuel Terán on Jan. 18:

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While the Georgia Bureau of Investigation claimed that Terán shot a state trooper before being killed by state troopers, recently released Atlanta PD body camera video does not support the official narrative being used to justify Terán's death:

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Recent us politics 

I'm not mad about MTG and whoever else going off at the address. I kinda wish our were more of a spectator sport like in some other countries. If you're not ready to get heated and push a motherfucker over a table over some budget cuts that will make life worse for your constituents, why did we hire you?

The pre-Raphaelites can be a bit drippy, but this flower munching take no prisoners princess is cool.
'Love's Shadow' By Frederick Sandys, 1867

#preraphaelite #portrait

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!