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@wolfcoder beyond that, I always found the slower pace of conversation to be strangely... comforting I guess? I dunno.

I think I might just be stuck in the stone ages ;_;

But yeah, I would definitely like to see more people experiment with different forms of online communities... since, despite the nostalgia factor, forums definitely weren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Far from it, in fact 😅

@wolfcoder For me, I think the thing I like most about forums was always the fact that - at least on smaller to mid range ones - the slower nature of the interaction. When posting on a forum in the sweet spot in terms of size, your words weren't as likely to fall into the abyss of a rapid fire timeline or chat history very quickly - your posts would be seen regardless of the number of followers you had, and they'd typically stick around for a fair little bit.

one of my greatest hopes is that forums someday take off again.

...I am thankfully well and thoroughly accustomed to disappointment 😅

Chel boosted

White leftists will never cease to impress with their ability to be insanely dumb as fuck honestly reading about straight relationships can be a bit of a confidence booster in general at times XD

weed honestly this stuff has been a lifesaver as of late for me

@starfall I feel like this needs to be protested. somehow. it's incredibly unfortunate

@starfall how does one acquire this power, I wonder? 😓

wish i had an easier time reaching out to folks and connecting with them >_>;

@mavica this sounds like it'd be really fun to see ^^

fursona talk no such thing as too indulgent when it comes to things like this <3

@compufox you're welcome! you just need some NTAG215 tags and you're good to go if you have an nfc enabled android phone :blobthumbsup:

@compufox android phones are one of the best ways to go, as far as i know? there are some purpose built amiibo dupers you can sideload... in our case, all we have are iphones though, so we had to get creative ^^; @compufox I really, legitimately, sincerely wish I had an easier time getting into mmos right about now 😭

this would be the perfect opportunity for infinite grinding :bunhdhappy:

@compufox yeahhhhh, that's the situation we found ourselves in - we had a couple that we just really didn't like, and after a couple weeks of trying to find good ways to get ridda them, just went and bought an nfc writer for our pi and some nfc tokens.

four days later, they're both gone.

it's worth it ;_;

@compufox the timing was fucking perfect, i swear to god

like, i can't even imagine not having it to fall back on right now, it has been a complete and utter joy.

(especially since, in our collective boredom, we started making counterfeit amiibo for it and taking control over our island population 🤩)


i think my favorite lazy food has become rice mixed with a bunch of kimchi, gochujang, and garlic. perfect for those low spoon days

of which there have been many, despite not having much going on atm for obvious reasons Dx

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!