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DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

i'm watching kipo and the age of wonderbeasts and

the timbercats are just butch lo

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

risqué Minotaur art you need an excuse?

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

tf kink, twitter link 

@minty_da working on my own tabletop and you can just be a cowboy slime girl.

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

Ratchet transitioned and I will not be accepting other theories at this time 💪 👗

non-screenreader friendly emoji i'll go with the muscle/milf dual typing

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

a pic of my hand holding some mischievious looking cards 

t...they look really good??? I'm kinda shaking rn I'm not used to feeling like this about my own art

grs thread, drugs 

@deersyrup i find one ibuprofin and one acetaminophen works for pain in general and they don't do anything negative to each other but it feels more effective than two of one. it's just what i do so don't feel pressured to try it

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

IT'S GAY WRATH MONTH (Deer and Loathing @doeantlers)

booty, selfie, boosts+ (2) 

@viomi chilling in fishnet pantyhose is goals

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!