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DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

the creator of she-ra's wife is writing frodo/sam fanfic and shes talking about how good it is

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

also the knowledge that she-ra was made by a lesbian in an adorable marriage, and that they took pics with swords in their wedding dresses, has helped my skin stay clear

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patch update 

@fluxom_alt ooh, waiting on my trans villain pride face mask. it just got sent today

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

patch update 

time to figure out where I'll put these

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted i only ever find anime ones. i need better links

irl nude 

@minty_da big ditz energy

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

art wip, villainous ec 

gave in my worse instincts and went back to detail in the hair before bed he's such a letdown

nsfw selfie, partial nudity 

@deersyrup goals right there

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Transition Goals are Flip Flopping between Max and Chloe

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Put trans ones and it's like you're playing with fire.

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

doodled my wol buaner to get what kind of personality i want for her down more #mastoart #ffxiv

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted
DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

I'm reposting this lewd implying doodle because I had 1 (one) whole thought 

Hiring cubi as a professional dilator 'cause they got that goo junk to do the job.

They get paid in being able to monch on your sweet dreams later.

DaisyHead :flag_transgender: boosted

grs thread, healing progress 

@deersyrup sounds like you're doing great though

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!