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Sweet project manager, I cannot code - slender Aphrodite has overcome me with longing for a girl.

what good is an os theme if you can't make 2 color gradients in the title bar?

My new year's resolution is to collapse my hitbox to one pixel in the exact center of my body.

are there any furry artists on here who do simple character scenes and could use the money? been looking to commission artists i haven't commissioned before

boosts very much appreciated :boost_ok:​

twitch casual stream 

after some technical issues we're live with the continuation of peach's adventure!

vtubing is neurodivergent culture. I will not be taking questions

twitch casual stream 

going live with more bayonetta! let's continue the stylish witch game

twitch casual stream 

short stream of bayonetta because i want to play more of it

twitch casual stream 

live with the debut of my live2d avatar and the start of a new mario hack! come check it out!

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in 2 days i'll be debuting my live2d model! join for some character talk and the start of a new mario hack!

Twitch casual stream 

So, Sword & Fairy 7 continues to deliver on good moments, including a snowboarding minigame, but my actual favorite was seeing suave playboy Sang Yo get yeeted for his transgressions. He'll be fine, I'm sure.

Come see what'll unfold today!

stream promo 

in 2 days i'll be debuting my live2d model! join for some character talk and the start of a new mario hack!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!