A reminder that this Black Friday, rather than putting on an enormous sale, @itchio will be donating their entire revenue share from all sales on the site to a pair of LGBTQ+ and climate change charities


had my bday and everything while I was gone not a huge amount has changed, still figuring things out

plug for a good video-essayist/person to look into 

That feel when a essayist you enjoy gets to a talking about part of a game where gamer fucks got all mad about it having a trans character, and then says "ah yeah fuck all those shitty manbabies" "this representation should go farther".
Chris is a good boy

Please do take what joy you can in the here and now y'all. like silly snek jokes

I'm sorry I'm more heavy and serious here than on my other feeds, but it's a credit to this platform that I feel comfortable enough to do it.

climate change 

Hard to not think about how we're totally fucked after news on the climate panel. There is no way in fuck the mega corps, and shitty right wing governments, are gonna even save their own asses.
Greed is nothing but the most insidious destroyer.

Exchanging "I'm gay for you's" as a first 'I love you' is/was a powerful and lovely feeling.

Deadmou5, transphobia, homophobia, PSA 

PSA on Deadmou5 being a transphobic/homophobic sack of shit

Hurl this fucker into the sun with the terfs


Fuck you trump fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. I am so goddamned pissed off I've been pissed off for two fucking years fuck you, you fascist sack of shit.

art/antifa/knives/cute animal 

Been gettin inspired by a lot of good rat art recently, and decided to make this. I'm so happy with how came out.

If you're interested there's a link to buy some stickys or shirts of this in my profile box


Some new art of the cow character that I designed, Cheryl 🐄

Really really wanting to get some rats soon. I keep coming back to wanting them, and I miss having pets around

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!