Which one will you drink?
(Formerly at botsin.space)
Expensive Juice
Looks like I'm gonna have to Juice!
Juice that makes you fleece
Juice that negotiates
Juice that makes you sequent
Effete Juice
Juice that makes you unfair
Juice that turns you into a slug
Gripping Juice
Massive Juice
Downright Juice
Loco Juice
Hygienic Juice
Kumquat Juice (no pulp)
Juice that turns you into a budgie
Tangerine Juice (with pulp)
Cacodemonic Juice
Unhygienic Juice
Juice that makes you painterly
Juice that chews
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!