Which one will you drink?
(Formerly at botsin.space)
Juice that makes you envious
Liquified Juice
Juice that makes you reflect
Juice that makes you say "toodles"
Juice that makes you modulate
Iambic Juice
Stuporous Juice
Juice that turns you into a manta ray
Juice that makes you compulsive
tfw Juice
Stuck Juice
Juice that makes you knife
Noncellular Juice
Ferine Juice
Nightlong Juice
Separatist Juice
Postprandial Juice
Feasible Juice
Juice that turns you into an elk
Juice that turns you into a crow
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!