Which one will you drink?
(Formerly at botsin.space)
Phrenetic Juice
Nonelective Juice
Seminude Juice
Raptorial Juice
Banner Juice
Judicable Juice
Ungentle Juice
Hatless Juice
Juice that turns you into an otter
Juice that turns you into a bushshrike
Explainable Juice
Craggy Juice
Juice that turns you into an anaconda
Motorless Juice
Nonadhesive Juice
Nonvenomous Juice
Indelible Juice
Star fruit Juice (with pulp)
Electrolytic Juice
Vapid Juice
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!