Which one will you drink?
(Formerly at botsin.space)
Tangential Juice
Juice that makes you say "Gee!"
Chief Juice
Documentary Juice
Juice that makes you inhibited
Meritocratic Juice
Megaloblastic Juice
Juice that make you lose control
Juice that makes you lame
Juice that turns you into a cavy
Juice that turns you into a weregarter snake
Affordable Juice
Juice that turns you into a skate
Watermelon Juice
Juice that makes you defoliate
Expiring Juice
Newborn Juice
Tined Juice
Juice that makes you shelfy
Juice that makes you merry
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!