Which one will you drink?
(Formerly at botsin.space)
Supplicant Juice
Juice that makes you mistreat
Juice that makes you integral
Tingling Juice
Juice that turns you into a whistler
Unmapped Juice
Clogged Juice
Juice that turns you into a grouse
Juice that turns you into a werenautilus
Bewildered Juice
Magyar Juice
Intragroup Juice
Fertile Juice
Juice that makes you elapse
Noncombining Juice
Suasible Juice
Juice that turns you into a coypu
Juice that turns you into a werelory
Juice that bastes
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!