i needed this, it is beautiful, powerful, and everything my poor broken heart needs right now. but it has also completely shattered me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFD215t-Cyc
ich will mir eine #biwakplatz - und #wasserwanderrastplatz karte von brandenburg und mecklenburg-VP machen. her mit allen die ihr kennt! :)
*off as in "I should clean my apartment but I will probably do other things like take the bike and the dog for a nice tour"
They usually send in better assignments, btw ^^
(I only see the names after I'm done correcting and put the numbers into the system.)
Friendly reminder: The words homomisia, transmisogyny, hate, oppression, heteronormativity, cissexism, intersexism, anti-queer .., erasure and antagonism do exist.
To call it a "phobia" means to trivialize the problem, to misalign the responsibility and to discriminate against people with an actual phobic disorder.
Freundliche Erinnerung: "Körperliches Geschlecht existiert nicht" bedeutet nicht "du hast keine Körperteile".
Es bedeutet "dass du Körperteil A hast (zB XY-Chromosomen) macht nicht automatisch dass du auch Körperteil B hast (zB Hoden)",
und "wie dein Körper aussieht und benannt wird, ist unabhängig davon, was dein Geschlecht ist".
My very autistic brain just likes hyperfocusing on 1 thing very much. No resources for any other task.
So tomorrow I will be doing all the work things and nothing else. Okay maybe have some food.
🚨🚨🚨 Really major Gmail phishing attack going around right now. Do NOT click on an unexpected "Open in Docs" link.
Whether or not you have, now is a great time to review the apps you've authed to your account: https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions
oh and tea, please! very queer and autistic. disability. fibre. they-pronouns.
not much tech-related tooting but feelings and everything.
I like tea but: http://ko-fi.com/A674QB4