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An article on Sopranica, "an open source, DIY cell network that allows smartphone owners to make calls, send texts and eventually browse the internet with total anonymity."

Yes, winter days are short and dark, but sometimes we are rewarded with a beautiful sunrise, like his morning. #photography

Look at what can go wrong when bringing metal things too close to the MRI machine ^^
You need to have a look at the last entry, it's a video of people trying to remove a chair from the MRI machine. It is a really strong magnet o.o

"Flying objects"

Yay, after #Pleroma I now also have #Mastodon running on my #RaspberryPi 3 \o/

The Mastodon docs are really good, only a few minor hitches.

I increased swap to 256MB but apart from that the Pi 3 seems to have sufficient resources, at least to handle a single-user instance.


If a story is ostensibly #steampunk but about the rich folks, does that make it steam-establishment?

“In short, we are getting fleeced. The major scientific publishers enjoy profit margins in excess of 30 percent. Such profits are stratospheric, well over the average for every business sector of the Fortune 500. Publishers are getting rich on the backs of underfunded academic libraries and the unpaid labor of academics who serve as editors, reviewers, and authors. That system is unsustainable.” – Suarez & McGlynn, The Fallacy of Open-Access Publication, Chronicle of Higher Ed., Nov. 15, 2017

I once saw someone say that pixel art was the first truly masculine art form and to this day I carry my great grandmothers cross stitch sampler around with me so that in case I ever meet that person I can throw it at them

How many #InfoSec #SysAdmin #DevOps and other techie people have dedicated servers running and not being used most of the time to their full potential? I know I do.

Surely there is a way to have them connect and create a libre cloud - think of it as SETI@Home or Folding@Home, but for running services (say, docker containers or VMs).

That could create infrastructure for people who cannot afford their own servers, but would like to play with stuff.

PSA for people who #code:

Looking stuff up does NOT make you bad at coding.

"Not having to look up stuff" is NOT the benchmark for a good coder, especially as coders have to look up stuff ALL THE TIME!

And I don't mean highly advanced stuff, but stuff like "How does division work again?" or "What's that function called?" or my personal favorite "How to I nest for loops in list comprehensions?".

It's ok if you have to look up stuff!

#coding #adventofcode

Facebook logged the posts you wrote but then erased and never posted in the first place, and now they kindly published a study about it :thinkhappy: (PDF)

Tusky 1.4 currently crashes on Android 4, we are working on a fix. Until then, please do not upgrade if you are on Android 4.

Friendos: what’s a good brand of binder with a low-ish neckline? I love my high-neckline gc2b ones, but want one I can wear with tank tops and dresses too, ‘cuz Gender Is Complicated

Ooooh #adventofcode looks fun, and the first puzzle is totally doable even for me? I'm trying this I think!!

Is anyone on here experienced with #Braille? I have a question I need to ask about a handmade gift that I'm commissioning soon for the person I'd usually ask about these things. Preferably looking for someone who uses Braille regularly. Please boost.

Folks, I need a bit of your help! I want to test the new #Tusky release, so please spam me with the weirdest notifications you can come up with. Give me mass emojis, custom emojis, super long toots, gifs, images, links, everything combined and so on. :toot:

Uh… when, in detail view of a toot in a long thread, you click another toot in that thread to see what it is replying to, it (sometimes? not always I think?) makes you scroll down all the way again instead of opening at the right position.

I'm scared of githu interactions right now so I can't suggest changing that, but maybe someone else wants to?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!