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MH (-, +?) 

I'm exhausted by extremely trivial things lately. I'm struggling to drum up enthusiasm about the things I love. I think it's time for me to try changing things in my environment a little more.

Hangover, food 

Tofu scramble is my go to hangover brunch. It's the best part of having a hangover.

They did a REALLY GOOD JOB making it look like Salt Lake City, too. They even got the design of our police cars and buses right.

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I'm playing the part of The Last of Us that takes place in Salt Lake City and it is SO WEIRD playing a video game where you can point out your location in physical space.

Dumb griping 

My brother is getting married on Thursday. Can't wait to be in a room crowded with a bunch of people I went to church with 17 years ago anxious to ask me when I'm going to give my parents grandchildren.

I'm getting pretty adept with the pentatonic scale, I really hope my guitar teacher moves me on to the ionian major and minor scales real soon.

Emotional baggage 

Someone I considered a close friend of mine back in high school said some pretty homophobic stuff on social media today. I finished cutting ties to him. Unfriended him, removed the A records on some domain names I had registered for him, and blacklisted him on my phone. It seems weird for me to feel this upset about someone I haven't really kept up with in so long. I've just kinda moped about it all night.

@KristianCollie filling out my TPS rejorts, hoping for a promotion and a joffice of my very own

Someone's gonna reply to this with "jubicle" so it might as well be me.

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It takes a bizarre amount of willpower to get myself to do my guitar practice when I really don't feel in the mood.

What if I did one nice thing for myself every day?

And what if every day the one nice thing was skipping cardio?

If I ever say something that you think should have been placed behind a CW please let me know. I want my followers to be as comfortable as possible.

Oh good I have a viable excuse to use this screen name again.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!