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I really wish that when the perpetrator is a woman etc then ppl would see the problem is the act n not the demographic cause this incredibly contributes to rape culture

dipe, terfs/terms/farts/whatevs 

since a couple prominent trans furry ppl got called out for diaper enthusiasm then terfs have started pushing this "every troon is a diapered fur" narrative n I'm getting somethingawful flashbacks

i've had a few beers and i'm thinking about zorak

weird parental stuff 

hey I have been gone for a couple days cause my room is a mold pit n I needed to stay out for a while n I still feel a lil queasy if I'm in here for too long

what happened was that I went out to get food on monday n while that was happening my dad just went in my room n emptied out my closet n got insulation everywhere cause the ceiling was all rotted n idk what to do about that I just got rid of a bunch of moldy speakers n such


gofundme to get surgery n also an ms-20

not serious sex threat 

the little britain guys can eat a choad

Nintendo Direct finally I can katamari


hint it's the side that didn't invent "transphobia, but in a feminist way"

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I really don't like the "what about free speech" sentiment of the original but everybody knows which side I'm on in the feminist sex wars anyway

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for a long time I've wanted to do a cover of eugene chadbourne's 'women against pornography' rewritten as 'women against transsexuality'
the chorus would go 'women/women/against transexuality/there's still mass surveilence/but you can't get a vaginoplatsy/growing our own titties/and it blows somebody's mind/I gotta go now/James Dobson's calling on my other line'

nominating leaving my old life behind/I am a hermit as a trans anthem

maybe this is the wandelweiser group's whole thing but I don't know much about them

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drone serialism is still relatively unexplored territory I think

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!