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get you a large girl made up of thousands of much smaller girls


tbh a hinderance on my music is worrying that transphobes will share it around like it's a bad american idol audition

the name is only cause my gf the other day said that they love hurdy gurdies

yesterday on twit I said I wanted to make a trans lesbian zine called "hurdy gurdy", today on masto I am saying again, it'd be cool to make a trans lesbian zine called "hurdy gurdy"

they do bother me sometimes cause if I wake up in the middle of the night I actually get scared of em

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I found out the patterns n such I see when I shut my eyes have a name; phosphenes

positivity request? 

idk if the solution is for ppl to remind me that I am who I say I am etc regularly but it does help a lot

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positivity request? 

it's really hard to listen to ppl who say positive things about you when the negative things everyone else says is so loud


it's crossed a line into deliberate self-harm w me n I dunno if she's done that herself

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!