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I think I inherited a need to force myself into conversations that upset me more than it's worth from my mom


yr essays go unread
yr co-operatives split
but the government was listening
and they agreed w you I should die

basement smooching resonates w so many ppl I'm really happy about that

the b-hole surfers cover of hurdy gurdy man will never leave my subconcious now ig

undyne has been unseated in my crushes by buff gator girl

what if I played deltarune to the end still not having finished undertale


I'm having second thoughts about continuing to hang around a longtime friend who recently started being loud about her cub thing while I'm contending w the possibility that I'd been molested by a woman as a child


while I was mulling over whether to transition or not I wrote some gay porn fiction about an elf who gets transported to a communist lumber mill where some members turn into sheep monsters at night n maybe I should do some more this year maybe about a survivalist outpost where a plant person falls in love w the one member of the group tasked w boring mundane stuff always

I sprained my ankle when I was in high school getting off the bus

lol I'm horrible implying kids getting broken ankles is funny

irl lost episodes of kids shows are withdrawn for funnier reasons than ppl make crummy stories about

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!