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Boost if you see your kink:

Holding hands with girls
Being gay for girls
Obsessively talking about girls
Cuddling girls
Thinking about girls
Enby girls

Nobody will know which one!

maybe if I prefaced that w smthn like "idiolect research professional talks dirty" it'd make a lil more sense

should I just move over there even tho I'd have to start all over

I use the acid mothers temple technique of naming songs a whole lot

every time bob ross says "if you do so n so then you'll become a mud mixer" I think he's talking about the sound of my music cause I don't remember anything about mastering from college

do you ever contemplate getting an old amiga just to make tracker music

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!