"The Lillo Due pasta machine is a great example of Italian design at its best... seductively designed, totally functional, with brilliant performance!!"

My ass hurts.

No, this is not a joke. I played badminton yesterday and my butt's been hurting since. I guess it's my "glutes" or something.

Anyway, that's the news on my ass. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

~@MagicalBS Gamescom 2019 Tally Official Results~
(based on approx. 13 hours on the show floor, over 2 days)

Ahegao hoodies: 5 spotted
Ahegao T-shirts: 3 spotted
Ahegao trousers: 1 spotted
Pornhub T-shirts: 2 spotted
Vapes: too many, lost count

I'm a big, hungry baby, and I'm starved for content

Working on a thesis about how minions would have the consistency of blood sausages when boiled

I want to play monster hunter with guy fieri

it is a common misconception that sonic the hedgehog once kissed a human woman. in truth, the human kissed sonic the hedgehog while he was unconscious. this makes it better, in my head, somehow

famed scientist doctor eggman committed war crimes in the video game Sonic Forces (2017)

I bet everyone's busy with E3 news, but! I'm on free wifi here to post the real shit..

~tap water reviews~

Gothenburg: now THAT's what I call potable tap water ★★★★
Iceland (Reykjavik etc): crisp... refreshing... ahh, water is life ★★★★
Paris: has a funny after-taste, but not bad ★★☆☆
Copenhagen (airport): tastes like ass... and not in a good way★☆☆☆

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!