abuse, mental health, asking for help
She especially needs local trans and autistic people to help with navigating legal systems and with acquiring basic resources for developing the autonomy needed to distance herself from her family. If anyone can offer help with that or point us in the right direction, it would mean a lot to us. Thank you.
abuse, mental health, asking for help
@kwendenarmo We're mostly just looking for what resources are available from people who are understanding of her situation and what options she has for getting out of that situation. We've thankfully had a lot of responses and resources to look through, so we're figuring out what would work best and how to move on from there. Still, any local organizations or resources would be appreciated
abuse, mental health, asking for help
@MiseryMyra I'd suggest r/asktransgender - it's a global audience, so there's a fair chance there'll be some in Spain. (Indeed, I know I've seen /some/ discussion in that sub of what the situation's like transitioning there)
abuse, mental health, asking for help
@MiseryMyra I don't know how much help it can be, but I've got a friend in Barcelona who may be able to help. I'll reach out to her and let you know
abuse, mental health, asking for help
@pettancow Thank you! Let us know how it goes
abuse, mental health, asking for help
@MiseryMyra Qué necesitaría exactamente?
what exactly would she need?