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me, watching my cat lick her foot: "What a precious creature. A wonderful kitty. I love her so much"

abuse, mental health, asking for help 

She especially needs local trans and autistic people to help with navigating legal systems and with acquiring basic resources for developing the autonomy needed to distance herself from her family. If anyone can offer help with that or point us in the right direction, it would mean a lot to us. Thank you.

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abuse, mental health, asking for help 

Hi. My girlfriend is a disabled and autistic trans woman living with her abusive and controlling family in Madrid, Spain. She desperately wants to escape, but she has very little autonomy and resources, and she can't survive on her own. Her situation and abuse often prevents her from reaching out to people, and she has very little legal documentation. She doesn't need donations, but she does need local resources and support.

I've been reading Watchmen lately. It's too edgy for its own good, but I otherwise kind of like it. I'm also a sucker for supplementary fictional documents

Does anybody have any lesbian anime recommendations?

Asking for a friend

I had to enter my date of birth for an online application, and it popped up a little calendar window. It didn't let me just type in the date, so I had to click through every single month since I was born to get to my actual date of birth


Writing "im gay (for you)" on the screen of a Super Game Boy playing Kirby while streaming it to my girlfriend is probably simultaneously the gayest and nerdiest thing I've done in a while

I've been playing with my cat more often, and she's gotten more active in general. I saw her nyoom around the apartment for the first time today all on her own


I had a pumpkin spice coffee today. It tasted vaguely like drinking a pumpkin pie. It wasn't bad, but I can't imagine drinking them on the regular, even as a seasonal thing

what are these "videoed games" I'm hearing so much about

𝑸 boosted

asking for help, mental health, bad situation, i dont know 

i need urgent help. please anyone who knows anyone who can help. im in spain. im very autistic and mentally disabled. but have no diagnosis because of my situation i havent seen anyone. i need away from family. i have nobody nor anywhere to go. i have little legal idenification or basic autonomy. i need psychologists and social help and resources. i need a lot of things i dont know what to do

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!