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This lock was laughably easy to pick.

Picking the TSA lock only took a few seconds. Applying tension (pulling up on the chrome loop, away from the body) and trying different letters worked well too; I wouldn't trust this on anything important. 😂

Unpopular opinion? I actually kinda like Mondays.

Mainly because I'm not a weekend person, and Sundays are hella boring.


[173] days since the last accident.

Found a horse brass with a gryphon on it in a charity shop.

Gryphon-obsessed-girlfriend has been looking for one of these for years!

Cue belated birthday present. :3c

Bought Armello. It's pretty okay!

It doesn't /quite/ sate my want for playing a turn-based game, but it helps.

The play area is too small for my liking. Not enough free space.

I have a Steam key for "The Warlock of Firetop Mountain" going spare too.

This one /is/ Linux compatible, but not really my kinda thing.

I have a spare key for Hurtworld if anyone wants it.

Let me know and I'll PM it!

It's only on Windows, but I play on Linux. So I have no use for it.

Don't let ISPs shape pingu content.

Support net nootrality.

LRT- Linux and LineageOS: Patches have been merged, and will be applied in the next update. :v

Open source FTW.

I have two PSP-1000's and I don't know what to do with them.

They're not worth much to sell. Maybe use the shell from one and put a RasPi Zero in it? Maybe put Linux on the other? Idk. Anyone want one? :P

Also minor PSA for the poor souls that have to use Windows, but enjoy using Linux too.

The "Fall" (*Autumn!) Creators update may very well break your Linux install.

Make sure you back up your Linux partition(s) 'n' stuff, or don't use partition numbers (like /dev/sda1).

Use UUID or PARTUUID instead of /dev/sdxx or even LABEL.

More info:

So, like, when's the next extinction level event?

It's way overdue. :P

Eugh... not having a very good day today. Too busy outside; people getting on my nerves. :c

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!