I didn't kill cybre.space, honest.

The fact it went down as I tried uploading a video was a mere coincidence. >v>

Interesting that Twidere forces images on a toot with a content warning to be marked as sensitive. It won't even let you untick it.

The picture isn't sensitive media, you can safely click on it!

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sad :C 

RIP Budge.

Sorry your actual-owners left it too late to take you to a vet and actually get that infection treated. We did try to tell them...

A USB powered soldering iron, you say? Interesting...

Paired with a USB battery pack, this could actually be pretty useful. :P

I need to desolder a bunch of switches from an old mechanical keyboard later, so I think I'll try using this on them first.

Would an ELI5 for a VPN be: device/client encrypts data, sends encrypted data to VPN server, server decrypts, server passes data on to internet to reach its destination?

And server encrypts, sends, and device/client decrypts for going the other way?

Selling a used-but-mint Chromecast Audio in case anyone wants one.

£24, including shipping within the UK.


I feel bad for critiquing free pizza, but I don't think I'm super keen on Domino's pizza bases.

They taste very... wheat-y? It's hard to explain, but the aftertaste is meh.

I forget that /r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza is a thing.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!