In 2010, I thought Scott Pilgrim was super clever but pretty misogynist & ipso facto little lame

Watching it in 2024…gotta be honest it feels cutting edge progressive. No one calls Knives or RF a used-up whore for any of the exes! RF fights for herself! Cera isn’t a hypertateman! The bar is SO LOW!

@Catvalente is there a link or something where its described what you saw as misogynist in the original movie back in 2010?

Its one of my fav movies, but i didnt notice any misogyny back then. And id like to learn.

@Neon @joshg all this plus the whole concept is fundamentally treating women as prizes to be won. Ramona is literally helpless around her exes.

@Neon @Catvalente for a start, the movie gives Scott many more (implicit) passes on being a douche than the comic does - the whole "dating a high schooler" thing is given much more of a pass. Then there's the treatment of *Roxy* being awful, and Ramona is some variant of manic pixie dream girl who isn't analysed in the same way the comic eventually does. (As others have noted, the animated Scott Pilgrim Takes Off! does try to address some of this, and other issues.)

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