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Kid1: “respect my trans friends or I will identify as a problem”
Kid2: I already identify as a problem
Me: pssh, you were assigned problem at birth

And this, friends, is breakfast in the castle

@hbuchel well yes. Of course. Only those that have surplus resources (time /energy/spoons/money) can effectively donate that time to OpenSource projects. Or grow any other structure worth growing for that matter.

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TIL: yt-dlp includes support for #SponsorBlock to remove or mark sponsored segments in downloaded videos. 🤯

@frederic i get your sentiment.

But keep in mind: their business model is dependent on people perceiving them as safe. and their threat models must include "every human on the planet" and potential attack surface is HUGE.

what these many false alarms are definitely doing (for me and non-techy people ive spoken too) is that they create the sense that google is taking the security aspect of their job serious.

the majority of people dont know that there are better ways.

@michaelgiesler Leider nein, ich migriere gerade wieder weg von Cryptpad

Die Idee ist super, die extra Entschlüsselungs-Wartezeit beim Abrufen jedes Dokumentes verschmerzbar.

Aber was mich wirklich davon abgehalten hat ist: Das mobile Interface ist sehr sehr schlecht, und heutige Kollaboration findet zu einem überraschend großen Anteil auf mobile Devices statt.

Auch ein Problem:man muss pro Dokument wählen ob man gleichzeitig Bearbeiten können, oder eine Historie hat (und damit auch strg+z)

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India has officially outlawed nine types of #UX #DarkPatterns, including saying "Hurry, only X amount left;" adding "processing fees;" adding dire language to opt-out buttons ("No, I'd rather not protect my purchase"); forcing people to agree to a EULA; forcing people to call a phone number to unsubscribe; using confusing opt-out language ("No, don't unsubscribe me"); blending ads into editorial content; and forcing people to click "remind me later" every day.

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Nenon boosted

EU Parliament: Members and staff in the subcommittee on security and defense had their phones hit with intrusive surveillance software tools #Staatstrojaner

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Nenon boosted

I wish there were more crystal girlies in tech.

They wouldn’t blame an incident on “human error,” they’d be scouring traces for unwanted energy, probing liminal spaces for malevolent spirits, writing new spells-as-code for automated cleansing.

Key contributing factors would be trickster fae, confusing incantations, unsafe reagents.

When Neptune is ascendant, they’ll update the test suite and save your ass. Saturn in transit? She’ll verify the observability pipeline by moonlight just in case.

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#2894 Research Account 


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🔥🔥 Am 3.6. erscheint mein Buch „Machtübernahme“!

Eine konkrete Anleitung: Was können wir tun, wenn die AfD an die Regierung kommt? Wenn es euch interessiert, bestellt es bitte jetzt schon! Das hilft dem Buch sehr. Vielleicht auch verschenken?

Im Buch geht es um Vorhaben, die die AfD in einer Regierungskoalition schnell umsetzen könnte, z.B. Präventivgewahrsam & Schwangerschafts-Zentralregister. Und konkreten Widerstand: Generalstreik, Remonstrationen, Leaks...


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When an Irish lighthouse built in 1700:s meets modern technology

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Nenon boosted

OK people, there won´t be a #Eurovision song contest this year.

They cancelled it, because Finland has clearly already won.

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holding the website down with my foot & pointing my sword at them as I check this box:

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Someone should write a book for kids called How to Handle Your Difficult Parents

Possible chapters:
- "The Behavioral Challenges of the Middle-Aged Brain"
- "How to Be Caring but Firm in Resisting a Controlling Parent"
- "When Mom or Dad's Self-Esteem Hinges on Your Accomplishments"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!