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“It’s time to stop playing defense. It's time to go on the offensive. To restore competition, regulation, interop and tech worker power so that we can create the new, good internet we’ll need to fight fascism, the climate emergency, and genocide.

To build a digital nervous system for a 21st century in which our children can thrive and prosper.” Raw power from @pluralistic


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Nenon boosted

Ich habe ein Tool geschrieben, das mir die Inhalte des koreanischen Fernsehens transskribiert, übersetzt und zusammenfasst.

Und mit "tool geschrieben" meine ich ein Python-Script, das drei existierende freie Modelle aneinanderflaschnt (Whisper, madlad400, llama3.1).

Und mit "geschrieben" meine ich, dass ich ein LLM gebeten habe, mir das zu schreiben. Ich habe nur danebengestanden und gut zugeredet.

Dauer der Arbeit: ca. 30 Minuten.

Alles läuft auf einem lokalen Rechner. No Cloud/WebAPI o.ä.

Nenon boosted

Who was I recently speaking with about the sliminess of academic journals, JSTOR, and Elsevier? Well, today, @pluralistic dropped a real barn burner into my email inbox with this great piece. Enjoy, all of you who like the free flow of academic knowledge!

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A post to traverse the Fediverse & beyond :fedi:

Third time's a charm: This post can be seen with #Mastodon, #Bluesky, #Sharkey, #Mbin, #Lemmy, #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #Hometown, #Akkoma & more.

Please share it wherever you see it in the #Fediverse

#SocialMedia #BridgyFed


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Humans bodies are amazing, we don’t even know how many people are intersex because we don’t chromosome test infants and it might not be possible to find out otherwise.

“A 46,XY mother who developed as a normal woman underwent spontaneous puberty, reached menarche, menstruated regularly, experienced two unassisted pregnancies, and gave birth to a 46,XY daughter with complete gonadal dysgenesis.”

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Nenon boosted

The more that you come into your own as a nonbinary person, the less you might fit the cishet beauty standards of your culture.

You don't have to fit them. You have a grandeur all your own, and there are others who can see it.

#nonbinarypositivity #nonbinarypride #nonbinary #appearance

Nenon boosted

CW Grafana 

So, jetzt habe ich ein zentral gehostetes #Grafana, aber wie bekomme ich da Daten rein von Systemen, die irgendwo hinter NAT stehen?

Gibt es ein branchenübliches minimalinvasives Ausleitungsmuster für dezentrale #Prometheus-Instanzen hinter random Soho-Internetroutern? Ich denke im Augenblick am ehesten an Probes auf Raspi-Basis, die ein VPN zum Grafana-Server aufmachen.

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Der Ford-Aufsichtsrats-Chef erklärt einem EAuto-skeptischen Bild-Reporter, warum eine Abkehr vom Verbrenner-Aus 2035 wirtschaftspolitischer Selbstmord ist. Sehenswert.
Warum hören CDU, CSU und FDP eigentlich nicht mal mehr auf die Wirtschaft?

Nenon boosted

Japan, national morning news show:

An uninterrupted 10 minute segment about a new train running on a line to a popular vacation spot.

A journalist spends most of the segment being absolutely DELIGHTED by every single feature of this tastefully designed train. She sits in every class of car, tries every seat feature, eats a curry in the dining car, enjoys the view out of panorama windows. Arrives rested and gives us a whirlwind tour of town.

This is how you change car culture.

Nenon boosted

Me: :blobraccoon_cofe:
Customer: Help my Server doesn’t boot up
:blobraccoon_business: Investigating for a bit… Hardware/Network OK… There seems to be no OS installed…
Customer: But I’ve setup my system and everything worked prior to reboot.
Me: Investigates again to find that he used a Live Rescue System and ran it for about 1 1/2 years in production. Therefore everything was gone after reboot.

Nenon boosted

This post can reach not only #Mastodon & the #Fediverse, but beyond like #Bluesky. How far can it go?

I have built a tool to aggregate, with what software and from which instance it is boosted (or faved). Please share far, to show where you're seeing this.

#SocialMedia #Sharkey #Akkoma #Firefish

Nenon boosted
So a couple of weeks back I was riding my bike and saw the friendly face of a former customer/colleague at an intersection and waved. He messaged a few days later suggesting a drink, which we have just had.

And we get on famously, talked shit and serious stuff for two hours. He's a little older than me. We might both be asking ourselves about adult ADHD, and thinking about our lives, and wondering how the fuck we got here. As we reconnected and it became apparent we are both fatherless now, he posed the question: who replaces them in our lives? We are both short on older men we can talk to now, the repositories of wisdom we can connect with are few and hard to find... and the answer is, it's us. Our peers. We are now the last numerous generation. (As my older and old friend Matt observed when my dad died: the world is a little colder when you're an orphan. The buffer generation between us and death is gone.)

And he's been having a few problems but honestly who hasn't, I know I have. It's good to start mapping out our common territory.

And I thought about my Dad who when he died had such a tiny circle because his friendships had revolved around work, and my mother did all the social stuff. His last good friends were actually all my mother's old friends.

And all this is to say, my fellow ageing straight dudes: don't miss that chance to connect. Go talk shit. Take a chance on someone who may or may not share something of how you see the world (and what if they don't? maybe you can learn something from that or at least have fun being surprised). We can't leave it to the women in our lives, it's not their responsibility and we could do with exercising the ancient muscles of friendship. See what happens. Could be good. Give it a go.
Nenon boosted

Wir suchen gerade neue Kunden. Da wir nur auf Mastodon sind gestaltet sich das wirklich wirklich wirklich schwierig. Deshalb brauchen wir eure Hilfe. Zeigt uns, dass das Fediverse das auch kann ;-)

Wir hosten Open Source Infrastruktur für Unternehmen/Unis/Schulen/Vereine/Stiftungen.

Unser OSBA Profil:

Gerne Retooten.

Nenon boosted

This reminds me of something I posted on a previous social media account.

“You’ve Got Mail”: a romantic comedy about a little bookstore being overrun by a huge bookstore/DVD store

“You’ve Got ‘You’ve Got Mail’”: a dark comedy about a huge bookstore/DVD store being overrun by an online mail-order megastore.

“You’ve Got ‘You’ve Got “You’ve Got Mail”’”: a tragedy about an online mail-order megastore being supplanted by streaming services. ← YOU ARE HERE

“No One’s Got ‘You’ve Got Mail’”: a farce about how all movies have become unavailable because companies withhold them for the tax write-offs.

“You’ve Got Mail-full-1080p.mkv”: a documentary about the valuable role that pirates are performing as librarians and archivists.

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Nenon boosted

The fact that Microsoft Teams 🤮 contains a feature called "Teams" where actual teams can create a Team, and at Microsoft the teams working on that feature probably have a Team to discuss the Teams feature, suggests that there exists a Microsoft Microsoft Teams Teams Teams' Microsoft Teams Team.

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Nenon boosted

📣Official statement: the new EU chat controls proposal for mass scanning is the same old surveillance with new branding.

Whether you call it a backdoor, a front door, or “upload moderation” it undermines encryption & creates significant vulnerabilities

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After some conversations with friends NOT on the fediverse I've arrived at calling it "independent social media."

This is better than "open source" or other titles, it better conveys the central difference.

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Who would have ever guessed that this was the solution to unhappy workers?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!