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Where do the furries that still like cartoony silly stuff hang out anyway nowadays? I'd like to go where they go.

I need to keep drawing stuff and giving myself practice. Maybe the obvious solution is to try drawing lots of friends like I did with pixel art, hehe.

Shaving, dysphoria (+) 

I'm getting a lot better at not being scared of shaving the hair that ends up on my neck, especially with the electric razor I have. As a result I get to feel much better about my face because I can get nearly all of the pesky hair gone instead of just a lot of it.

I'm peer reviewing my mate's paper and I hope no one realizes I'm not actually in her class

In one of those moods again where I feel like there's nowhere in today's social world where I belong, and no matter how many years I spend trying I'm not making any progress at constructing such a place for myself, like people insist I should be able to do without help (or get upset with me for "not trying enough").

It certainly doesn't help that most people I meet that I can really relate to disappear from my life shortly after meeting them, with seemingly nothing I can do to make that stop.

Kingdom Hearts 2 

Meet my Teeny Ship it's an Xbox. Also while we're at it, decent photos of my Gummi Ship I'm kinda proud of.

My mate sent me presents presumably for Valentines Day coming up, and next to the typical chocolates was *this*


I actually kind of really like how Jello takes awhile to set, because it helps give you situations where you can go to bed and have a nice little thing to look forward to the next day

SFW nudity, art practice 

Very very early stages of me designing a SNES mouse character and figuring out what I want. I have a lot to learn and I need to pick out a name (my usual strategy of using a pun isn't working too well) but it's a nice start.

Show me cute mouse girls, I wanna try to pull together a bunch of inspiration to try and finally get around to designing the SNES mouse character I want to make even if I don't have a name picked out :p


I briefly considered trying to experiment and see if putting chocolate milk into an ice cube tray could be a good idea (because juice seems like it has good results, at least) but then I remembered this

Eye contact, art practice 

So I'm practicing art using the most obvious subject: me.

Paper+pencil feels way more intuitive than vectors, and I think I'll just drop attempting to learn to do vector art for as long as I'd be trying to do it without a stylus.

I wasn't actually directly told that the people I live with left to go out of state, but the cat acting very visibly lonely and wanting my attention more than usual is a pretty big hint

Guess I should get paper and pencils and start doodling things


I have no idea what to do with my life. My degree seems worthless, I don't have any projects I really care much about working on, my social life is really unsatisfying, and no one wants to hire me. It's hard to be happy.

job searching (-) 

Okay I got rejected by Kroger too. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do and it feels like no one wants me and I'm going to get stuck with some job that I hate because literally no one else will hire me. I feel like I completely wasted four years of my life going to college.


Aaaaa I finally got to have Papa Johns again! And I only paid $1.07 due to a mix of specials, upselling, and cashing in rewards. This is a big morale booster.

Life has been better after I realized I can wiggle my way out of my laptop completely locking up by unplugging HDMI and plugging it back in

One thing I really appreciate forums for, over social media or chats, is that you can post at a weird time of day, and your thing *will* still get seen

I wonder how hard it would be to play multiple Tycoon games at once without pausing any of them. Probably super easy since a lot of the gameplay seems to be just waiting until you can afford something.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!