Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

Penelope, but kilometers tall, lying dormant for millennia, regarded by the civilization that settles the planet later as a vast, ancient temple, just part of the landscape. They can only see her armor plating, mysterious stone and structures far beyond their understanding. She'd been the living flagship craft of a civilization escaping subjugation under a galactic hivemind empire but now, forgotten but for fragmented legend.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Civilization advances enough to begin to discover more about the vast "temple" left behind by the ancients. It's a machine. Somehow. Impossibly vast, immeasurably complex. They need to turn it on. Decades pass, the world moves on, work continues. Fragment by fragment, they find startup sequences and jury-rig power to activate the smallest circuit of the leviathan, ancient device. Lights flicker. They're closer.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Flickers of life in her deepest, faintest memories, furthest preserved systems. Aware, alive, there in the smallest of fragments. She does not know she will live again, see the sun, life, and the little creatures she saved and what they have become. Another year, another decade, another day, another piece of the puzzle closer to life.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny The earth itself pushes up as a mountain, a living, working mountain rises. The planetary crust splinters as her figure emerges, dusty, dirty, muddled by earth and time, sloughing off in vast plates, carrying towns and infrastructure, forests, farmland; far more than their surveys every showed. Far more than could be imagined, believed. But she rises, through the smoke, the dust, the cataclysmic upheaval of awakening.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Through the dust that rises into the stratosphere, glowing eyes open, flickering to life. She looks down, eyes trying to focus, flashing as power surges and fizzles, sensors warming up, her vision static, her senses barely there. Scanning abilities greatly reduced, resolution not fine enough. What is below? Where? She leans down, crouching, hands settling into the soft earth, crumbly towns, her hands, armored knees striking ground like meteors...

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Were she organic, her breath and the intake of air in a surprised gasp would have pulled tens of thousands into the skies like motes of dust. A city trembles, plunged in pitch shadow, power gone, voices stolen as their sky becomes her, the sun two mechanical eyes, stars strings of orange, green, and red lights...There were so many of them...They were still so small. Did she? How many were? Fell? Beneath? Trapped?

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Barely functioning scans reveal their numbers. Seconds pass to classify their development. She is perfectly still. Movement is too dangerous. For them. She is not...Awake...Not enough.

Panicked, confused static filters in, low-band, primitive communications through the air, buzzing with a language she does not know. Regret tears through her. What did she do to them. She blinks. She finds their source. She can't speak, her voice would shatter them.


Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny But she can talk. And hopes they understand the emotions, not the words. Their radios fizzle out to silence, then her voice, crackling, worried, powerful, not quite human, comes through every frequency.

"No. Harm. Friend. Sorry. Sorry. Friend. Penelope."

The broadcast repeats.The mountain range that she is stays still. The smallest hint of a smile forms on her sky-spanning muzzle as the worried voices change their tones.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny "No....more...hurt...staying...not move..."

She broadcasts without speaking, knowing her voice would cause more damage than their greatest weapons of war. Damage and death she refused to ever cause again. Only broadcasts, simple words she knew they couldn't understand yet, but she hoped they would understand the tone of, finding new frequencies, new formats as her limited functions find more.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Their language simple, but the rules alien. She was... trying... Downloading their knowledge, all their data and their histories not even a blip in her storage capacity, nanoseconds to analyze at full capacity, but tense days will be needed to understand them, to speak to them in their tongue...she will wait. She has patience though, endless patience.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny In the shadow of the leviathan machine goddess, panic turns to awe, and millions wait in stunned silence, billions around the globe with their ears glued to their radios, eyes to televisions, computer screens as her face, calm, concerned, her voice, alien and inviting in a language they do not know, speaks to them.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny A week passes. Silence falls where her voice had become a constant. The planet holds its breath. Civilization sits at the edges of their seats. She has not moved. He expression has not changed. No attempts to reach her has given way to anything. The teams that had brought back her spark of life locked out, her body, her mind repairing itself as she struggled to understand, to learn all of the life she awoke to tower over. That she would care for.

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny Slowly, slowly she takes over every broadcast, am, fm, satellites, television, her presence coming online to speak to them. The...Humans. Where the connected world had gone black, she became light once more. She smiles in the clouds. And speaks. And they understand. And she knows it.

"I. Am. Penelope. Hello! World!"

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@PennyPennyPenny This is great!

Kinkpost, mecha, giants, scifi 

@chimerror Thank you!!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!