Space cats. Big.
@PennyPennyPenny Not to selves. Art of Penelope in a bezerk mode will need to be commissioned in the future. Like...Ripping a spaceship 20x her size in half.
Space cats. Big.
@PennyPennyPenny Penelope is too nice to do this. She just wants to help everyone, but if she ever snapped or her home got destroyed...She would rest only as long as it took to recharge her batteries on her single minded mission to avenge her friends and family. Righteous android feline fury. She was a kitty tank warmech before, after all.
@Nerts Lisa Frank!
Space cats. Big.
Cybernetically enhanced superbig catpeople that can wad up tanks like tin foil and tug around dreadnought spaceships like they're balloons on a string. One-kitty armies that took the resources of entire planets to develop and construct rebelling against the oppressive empires that built them and bringing Galactic peace through purrs powerful enough to level city-sized military outposts in minutes. But still very soft and smooshy and in need of belly rubs and pets and soft beans.
Sona Fusions 2, Kinky af
And here's another with Arson and @Electrum to make Elo, the tiger tiger shark. She has too much kink power to be contained in one body.
Realtalk I love the purple and gold color scheme so much
@Nerts Penny wants to be the inflight movie
passengers inflight entertainment though.
Hypno. meow!
Penny meows at you until you meow back
Like a yawn, it's seeded.
And contagious.
You keep meowing. softly to yourself mostly.
Then out loud, part of your everyday speech.
Meow at your friends. They think it's kinda cute!
Some meow back!
Days pass, and suddenly you realize
You're Penny too!
Only a matter of time until your friends join too!
mecha furry goofs
@fluxom_alt high density mass storage
mecha furry goofs
Yaya! yayayayayayayayaya!
flash fiction, digital weirdness
You smile.
They smile.
You want them to stay.
They never wanted to leave.
You don't know why you were afraid.
They told you it was good.
You want them to stay.
They will be.
We are friends.
Your phone buzzes.
We can get it later.
We're petting cats now.
It's not important.
We are petting cats.
We wish there were more cats.
The internet is made of n+1 cats & the cats are made of the internet. Feline hivemind ate your pizza, probably your neighbors too. THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM!