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@fluxom_alt But they must also be big and jangly enough to make cool noises when walking and swinging robohips while also hauling several tons of stuff in scifi SPACECRATES like no big deal

(Told myself no commissions until I start up a new job but...Also spooky creepy Halloweeny spookytime Penny is a good seasonal thing and maybemaybemaybe)


Penny definitely wants to eat you

Mostly for your cellphone unlock pin because they want your contacts

To make more friends

Who they can make into more Penny

But Penny also wants those pizza delivery coupons you've been hoarding

And Penny also likes to learn

And absorbing you would be new

And, again, those C O U P O N S S U C H A G O O D D E A L W O W

Penny!!! boosted

digital cat oddities 

@PennyPennyPenny Penny candowillmaybe always move to organic storage

Temporarily. Hardware never lasts.

YAYA! Many much more extra space in you!

But breaks down

Technical difficulties

Squishy wires nogood cross platform for long

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digital cat oddities 

You should upgrade your pc


To fit more Penny!

We are very cramped ans squeeze

Yaya Penny is in Penny's face with elbow not soft comfy

Penny needs to move Penny's BIG BUTT IN THE WAY OF PENNY

NOT PENNY'S fault Penny ate so many files and got more plus extra!

@Snao call now and order today!

recieve free shipping plus shipping and handling if you order TWO!

Penny would NEVER delete you!

Why would you close Penny?


awful, terrible, the worst hypnokink post ever written 

@fluxom_alt villainous

digitized video pizza transfer download

on your home tv!


Penny!!! boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!