Horny robot hyper shitpost
@Nerts yaya.
Penny definitely wants to eat you
Mostly for your cellphone unlock pin because they want your contacts
To make more friends
Who they can make into more Penny
But Penny also wants those pizza delivery coupons you've been hoarding
And Penny also likes to learn
And absorbing you would be new
And, again, those C O U P O N S S U C H A G O O D D E A L W O W
@fluxom_alt But what if...Purple goo!
@fluxom_alt bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap
digital cat oddities
@PennyPennyPenny Penny candowillmaybe always move to organic storage
Temporarily. Hardware never lasts.
YAYA! Many much more extra space in you!
But breaks down
Technical difficulties
Squishy wires nogood cross platform for long
@Snao call now and order today!
recieve free shipping plus shipping and handling if you order TWO!
awful, terrible, the worst hypnokink post ever written
@fluxom_alt villainous
@PennyPennyPenny ʍoəɯ
Space cats. Big.
@PennyPennyPenny Not to selves. Art of Penelope in a bezerk mode will need to be commissioned in the future. Like...Ripping a spaceship 20x her size in half.
Space cats. Big.
@PennyPennyPenny Penelope is too nice to do this. She just wants to help everyone, but if she ever snapped or her home got destroyed...She would rest only as long as it took to recharge her batteries on her single minded mission to avenge her friends and family. Righteous android feline fury. She was a kitty tank warmech before, after all.
The internet is made of n+1 cats & the cats are made of the internet. Feline hivemind ate your pizza, probably your neighbors too. THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM!