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Well Liberal government. Probably a minority. NDP is in 4th place and I can't believe BQ has more seats

Politics, anxiety 

Not liking the numbers in the polls right now. It's only the east coast trickling in atm but I'm starting to get more scared. No conservatives please.... ;_;

now this is good design. My dyscalculia-having ass needs this.

cute cyberpunk catgirls who make dial-up noises when they're tired and frazzled

Bottled water companies don't produce water, they produce plastic bottles.

My theory on why so many of us queers love the cosmic horror aesthetic so much is basically that we're all very used to feeling like the universe around us is illogical cold uncaring nonsense with made up rules and arcane ancient rituals.

"Why am I not allowed to kiss other girls?"
"Why is that activity something that only boys are allowed to do?"
We get vague answers like "Because that's how it's always beeeen!" and "It simply isn't done!!!", and fuck me if that doesn't sound like you're surrounded by an alien cult with rules that don't line up with actual reality. Only natural we start to see the universe that way.

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My favorite thing is how modern cosmic horror/Lovecraft-adjacent fiction is like, all incredibly queer.
Welcome to Night Vale, Fallen London, Archive 81, Madoka Magica, etc...
It seems like you can't ponder the possibility that we are specks among an infinitely larger, cold, uncaring cosmic community, until you get some cute girls to kiss first.
I just find it so hilarious because Lovecraft himself was The Worst Personโ„ข and would have probably passed out at the fact that *we* are his most intimately engaged surviving fanbase.

@fillertrack if you dont leave by midnight you will be trapped in Tim's Hole until the next time the Raptors win

Alternate universe where Marilyn Manson removed all his bones.

hrt (+) 

done two months of hrt as of today. best decision of my life.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!