They put their faith in me.
(One generated name every hour, made by @mavica_again)
Blast ButtBroth
Reef Side-Back
Punt McHardBody
Lump McFizzleBroth
Rip ThornHead
Thick McSteakLots
Lump McFizzleHead
Stump HardFist
Splint LargeSteak
Brick McBlastRod
Slate McLargeCheek
Buff SpeedJaw
Crud SteakLift
Whip PlankRod
Buck McFizzleBack
Thick Deadcrunch
Trunk DrinkNeck
Crunch ThickLift
Dirk Squatbeef
Bold McBoneMuscle
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!