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social media is anything but and mastodon has not ever been and will not ever be better than twitter or any similar contrived microblogging platform for as long as it retains the favourite button

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hi please hire me to make you pixels i'm broke and unemployed and i need the money thanks for having boosted this post already i know you won't have failed me 💜

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i make music:

i make open source tech tools and toys:

i started the netizen club and the link cache, to help my yearning for a simpler internet:

i'm looking for work. if you know anyone who needs someone with 8+ years professional experience plumbing nearly any sort of bespoke tech, talk to me.

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if you like a post where a person is talking about killing themselves that means that you like that that person wants to kill themselves, there is no other interpretation for the wording x has liked your post that i can infer in good faith and this is why i tell people not to like my negative posts unless they like that i'm in misery because if you want to convey anything else you have 26 letters and punctuation at your disposal

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finally got one of those xbox controllers every game on steam says it's compatible with

people keep saying making stews is easy but how the hell am i supposed to count to a billion to know how many cubes to use

hey anyone in the want their computer/console fixed? i need smth to do :boost_ok:

hey anyone in the want their computer/console fixed? i need smth to do :boost_ok:

I'm running out of hot sauce so let's talk about other spicy food products.

Takis Fuego

I don't like them! And not because of the spiciness, because there's actually very little of it in these. The problem is the amount of sour they add to the flavor to try to make it taste hotter than it actually is. In the end it just tastes like a damn lemon meringue.

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watching steve1989mreinfo with her and look over her shoulder and she's reading the wikipedia page for "rancidification"

Show thread everyone's vision was compressed on either the X or Y axis by 20% due to amazing new petrochemicals

is there any activitypub software that doesn't suck yet or is it all still just academic hobby interest stuff

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is there a way to migrate a firefish instance into something that doesn't have a thousand moving targets worth of dependencies

i want to like firefish but they're still trying to make webp into a real file format

get you a girl who will cuddle with you to the dulcet tones of steve1989mreinfo

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!