it took a few minutes to get to a desktop and i can hear the laser struggling, but at least it's somewhat working

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put together a moc n-vision 74 made out of knockoff lego purchased on aliexpress. stud fit is way tighter than original. tolerance errors add up but the model is still solid at the end of it all. one piece came malformed and now this model has 1 original lego piece hidden somewhere in it as a replacement (the compatibility is great)

after finally getting some decent flux and picking up the pieces i abandoned several months ago, i think i've finally managed to reflow all the broken solder gremlins that kept my visor eyemodule from working properly

i love it when programs do this thing where they put a long url on a dialog without selectable text for me to copy. yeah sure let me just type that in letter by letter to see an unhelpful faq page written by the intern

ok (still 0.4 no version change) should now have a polyfill that takes care of rendering issues in that caused the pre-process sliders to not affect the image

still isn't, and will not be, supported

dithered cat picture courtesy of @angela

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!