these distances used to be the same which means that now on New Discord:tm: i constantly feel like my chat is scrolled up instead of caught up at the bottom

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here's a new one for me: i bought an msata ssd in order to use it on an msata to laptop ide caddy. the (much older) laptop i put it in unwittingly booted into the drive, which contains a report including the hardware information for the laptop it was erased in. what the hell

got an Olivetti Lettera 82, it was already in decent shape but i had to obsess over aligning some of the characters that had gotten misaligned over the years (not shift alignment, forming type bars for horizontal alignment). this included soldering the U type slug entirely since it came clean off

not awful for the first time, i think

i made a seven seg display (after seeing it done in one of the preset worlds, but i figured the logic on my own)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!