@dotHTM for the record, this keeps happening. it wasn't just you

thank you for noticing though

@dotHTM god i thought my previous workplace was draconian enough enforcing a desktop wallpaper

if a beat reporter for Nerdist could get my name and pronouns right so can you

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"but that feels wrong to write, as someone who very selectively cares about grammar only when it will inconvenience people i think should be inconvenienced about it like you, making such a childish claim as to ask your name to be properly spelled"


i'm far from the first sentient being with a lowercase name and i deserve the same care and recognition

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maple "mavica" syrup is lowercase yes even if you're starting a sentence with it

nobody spelled it "Iphone" just because it was at the start of a sentence

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people close to me still capitalize my name and it's like. my brain keeps telling me that If You Tell Them It's Wrong One More Time They'll Finally Unfriend You

trauma is nice

seeing stuff i want and can't have plastered all around me just alienates me rather than make me feel represented

that might be a me problem but god it's not like anybody seems intent on wanting to help me feel any better about it

so much for "it's ok to ask for help" crowd

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when that valhalla or whatever game came out and fedi wouldn't shut up about it i think was one of my most miserable moments online

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"if you're a robot girl you'll want to read this novel" bold of you to assume i want to read a story where someone who isn't me gets to be who i want to be and i won't feel immense dread and jealousy about it

this is why i can't with most queer indie media (games, novels, etc) that "should" be "aimed" at "me"

so "funny" (sic) how fractured and broken the fediverse is

i see a question posted on the federated timeline by a random person, decide to answer it

i look at their post on their remote instance, my answer is nowhere to be seen. other people's replies with the same answer are there.

in my own instance there are no replies other than my own. a person who isn't the OP or the other repliers favourites my answer.

the OP probably never saw my reply.

Hive mind here's a weird problem. If I measure the resistance across what I believe is a carbon steel ball bearing, that I've scrubbed with steel wool and then washed with acetone, the resistance between the probe points is a rapidly fluctuating number between 30 and 800 ohms. If I do the same thing with a carbon steel file it's steady at about 0.5 ohms. Any guesses about why a ball bearing acts like this?

these distances used to be the same which means that now on New Discord:tm: i constantly feel like my chat is scrolled up instead of caught up at the bottom

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fuck me i think this update has upset me more than any function update ever has

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the margins are all fucking wrong and it's seriously upsetting me

graphic design really is their fucking passion over at the discord inc

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!