They put their faith in me.
(One generated name every hour, made by @mavica_again)
Punt McIronKnob
Reef LargeFast
Gristle ThornFist
Rip RustBody
Flint McFizzleMeat
Crud McManChunk
Punch RustMuscle
Punch RockGroin
Gristle McSquatFlank
Slab PunchKnob
Rip PunchStag
Rip BoneCheek
Hack ThornBone
Bold BigBody
Punt IronHuge
Dirk McDrinkbeef
Hack BulkBody
Gristle DrinkFace
Reef SlabFlank
Reef McBeefFist
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!