They put their faith in me.
(One generated name every hour, made by @mavica_again)
Rip HardGroin
Hack McSteakPec
Bolt ThornCheek
Smash BlowCheek
Hack BlastBroth
Rip HardPec
Crunch BulkIron
Smoke RustRod
Buck ThickJaw
Gristle BlastRod
Slate DeadCheek
Beat ManFace
Gristle McVanderRock
Butch Bonecrunch
Slate BlastJaw
Beat McBigMuscle
Thick McSlabThrust
Blast VanderFlank
Rip BoneIron
Blast BigMean
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!