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@equals_w_equals It's like I'm watching eat itself in real time

I'm probably gonna instance pivot in the morning to see if I can un-bork my account, but holy shit I am too tired to deal with this right now

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1) I notice weird stuff going on with not being able to see some people's accounts
2) some accounts now just redirect into the sun (the default mastodon sign up page)
3) mentions for these accounts are now gone from my notifications, as though they never existed in the first place

It's 2 in the morning and I feel like I'm watching the matrix get rewritten

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Oh my god my notifications are disappearing. What is happening

Show thread My poor gal Echo suffers from quantum jitters, so I had to make sure the Barathrumites didn't mind dimentional rifts destroying the door to their base

Is there a reason I can't see some user's profiles? They just show up as Default Elephant with no bio, follows, or followers... Full disclosure I savescummed a few times on this character because I was experimenting with Grit Gate nonsense, so it's not technically a """"legit"""" Slogification. But still, I'm happy. love injector. Unfortunately I forgot the snail hat so I had to placate it in order to get the water/slime ritual going.

...also so I could take it to the Six Day Stilt, because that's just fun

I brought it to the Six Day Stilt so that we can hang out and be Slug Buds

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I, too, want to visit the local nightmare trash facility so that I can speak to strange slug grandpa while wearing a cool hat, so that I may converse with him and acquire a secret recipe of goop that will turn me into a monstrous and grotesque slug creature

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I post little tidbits when I feel like it in the hopes that somebody will go "oh yeah I've experienced that" so I can open the floodgates and actually, genuinely talk about my own experiences without feeling like a weirdo

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Self-taught witchcraft is a wild experience because everything is a litmus test for "is what I'm saying completely absurd or not"

It's nice to be in my hometown again, oddly enough. My patron is nearby. He calms me.

This will somehow combine aspects of being butch, femme, goth, pastel, chubby, thin, fuzzy, not fuzzy, and tall.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!