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Back from break.

As part of my plan to branch out of my social bubble, I'll be bumbling around new instances for a while, making introductions, that sort of thing. Thanks for being patient, and apologies if I step on any toes in the process.

Pinned post

Back from break.

As part of my plan to branch out of my social bubble, I'll be bumbling around new instances for a while, making introductions, that sort of thing. Thanks for being patient, and apologies if I step on any toes in the process.

Magic the Socially Distanced Outdoor Gathering

I'm gonna poke around to see what instances are open— not gonna abandon my account obviously, but I think it's time I get over my social anxiety and spread out some roots

Sometimes I want to move somewhere with a very low cost of living and spend my workdays writing and publishing mecha furry sci-fi short novels.

I seriously need to go to bed, but this is fucking wild.

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watch my account explode in real time /5 

Emojis are back. So that, too, was but a trick of the eye....

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watch my account explode in real time /4 

According to local timeline, only three other accounts have posted from in the past 24 hours. It is as though I am watching the entire instance crumble, and like the protagonist of some Lovecraft-inspired Black Mirror episode, I can no longer tell what part of the fediverse is real and what is but a fleeting illusion

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watch my account explode in real time /3 

I was going to add an emoji to that last post, but that's now also not working properly lkjsdklfjdflkjf

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watch my account explode in real time /2 

with advice from @heartles I have cleared firefox's cache and cookies. No changes, unfortunately

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watch my account explode in real time 

Okay, so now every user appears to only follow and be followed by me

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okay but in all seriousness my account has become almost completely dysfunctional, what do I do :blobcatoh:

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"Stop boosting the post and help me!"

I cry out, but it is futile. Nobody is coming to save me. The monitor glass is only getting thicker, the outside world more hazy. Even more notifications are disappearing. My federated timeline is bugged. Soon I will be doomed forever, a pale imitation of myself

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if I suddenly stop posting forever, please understand that I have been dramatically locked inside of my own mastodon account, and am banging against the glass of my monitor trying to escape. It's not you, it's me

I'm probably gonna instance pivot in the morning to see if I can un-bork my account, but holy shit I am too tired to deal with this right now

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1) I notice weird stuff going on with not being able to see some people's accounts
2) some accounts now just redirect into the sun (the default mastodon sign up page)
3) mentions for these accounts are now gone from my notifications, as though they never existed in the first place

It's 2 in the morning and I feel like I'm watching the matrix get rewritten

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Oh my god my notifications are disappearing. What is happening

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!